opps looks like i skipped some days...i thi king writting everyday is harder then i thought especially since we dont have a computer and most of what i do has to be done on my phone....
well not having facebbok continues to be good...i havent really completed any of the goals so far but have been having a lot of extra time....i was so busy this week and this weekend as well but elminating my time on facebook has me a lot less stressed out then i normally would be.
i also thinks the kids have been happier they totally dig the fact that i am ot on the computer all the time or answering so many beeping nosies on my phone.
i got a weird feeling today when taking all three kids to the library...a sense of so thbis is the whole mom thing...not paying any attention to or even knowing what others are doing kind of a wierd hard to express feeling...in some ways i do feel bad that i am not "there" for my friends or i kind of feel secluded in my own world...but i am there for my friends more so then before...good to have real texting buddies that i can share things with.
jesse and i have spent a couple nights home and in stillness and quiet..he thinks that i am much happier and he says ive been smiling a whole lot more...hmmmmm really your saying fb really got me that bad of a mood! i am not sure about that but.....
i will say that i take everything in a very emotional way and care about others so i do let what others say or dont say bother me or if someone is sick or bad stuff is happening i take that burden on myself now most people would not know that since i am not very verbal i usually keep things inside but it does influence me
what is really awesome about not being on fb i dont anyone ruining my hulu shows...so i dont know whos been kicked off of dancing with the stars i actually get to see it all and be suspensful
and i have true repect from friends that are kind enough
to send me an actual email to let me know whats going on
thanks friends!
It's kinda weird and a little heartless, but I really don't miss what my friends are saying on Facebook or writing about their comments. I only miss what's on sale...ha ha That seems so mean, but that's how I feel today. I do miss seeing my friends though.